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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Ep:23 I support Theo

Jmann discusses the recent on-goings at Como Park HS in St. Paul, and how the situation is being made worse by Black Lives Matter.  Also, black culture in America is under the microscope to assess how this issue is a part of a much larger problem.

Check out this episode!

Ep:22 What a NEAT day!

Jmann talks about his shitty day and how it relates to both work AND his ex.  Afterwards, he throws himself under the bus for some man card violations.

- a new installment of "Things you learn when you work in a jail"

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 14, 2016

What Do We Call it Podcast Ep:21

Jmann and special guest co-host Bergie discuss the recent damage to his beloved Ford Fusion and subsequent inconveniences that left him seething with rage.  

- The conversation takes a turn into very spermy territory

- a retelling of 2 very traumatizing experiences involving parents

- Bergie gets in on the "would you rather" action

Check out this episode!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

What Do We Call It Podcast Ep:19

Jmann and Danny discuss several words or concepts that frequently cause a stir.  Words that upset people for no good reason and the further PC pussification of American english.

Check out this episode!